mardi 12 février 2013

New KDE Vivaldi Tablet May Be Announced In March

New KDE Vivaldi Tablet May Be Announced In March

New KDE Vivaldi Tablet May Be Announced In March

Posted: 11 Feb 2013 10:47 AM PST

Aaron Seigo, the leader of the KDE project, tried to break into the tablet space with the KDE powered 'Sparks' tablet, which due to trademark issues was re-christened as Vivaldi. When he announced the tablet, there as a huge demand for the devices but the devices never saw the light of the day due to problems with supply chain.

The OEM changed some hardware which made it impossible for the OS to run on those device. There was a long silence and Seigo has started talking about it. He gave me hints about some big announcement around Vivaldi when I asked him about meeting at FOSDEM and he said that he was canceling the FOSDEM trip due to Vivaldi.

He has given more info on Vivaldi during his The Luminosity of Free Software E2 Google+ hangout.

He has not given much details about the tablet, he did say that he was working with companies in UK and companies from China (obviously) and there will be some big announcement by the end of the month or early March.  Seigo's dedication to this tablet may finally bring pure 'free software' tablet to the market.

Seigo says that either by the end of this month, or early March he will be able to show what the end result (read tablet) will look like. He also pointed out that the new devices will have higher resolution and more memory than the 'previous' version of Vivaldi. That's when he will also announce who their partners are in bringing and distributing these tablets.

Seigo further ads that they will be accepting orders from governments or school. He also goes on to say that if organizations want custom branded OS image on these tablets they can do that as well.

Raspberry Pi, after initial hiccups, have proved that it's not that hard to bring your hardware to the market.

Google Says Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Is Obsolete [Updated]

Posted: 11 Feb 2013 06:05 AM PST

Google, one of the leading open source and Linux companies, has declared Red Hat's RHEL 6 as obsolete. Jan Wildeboer, a Red Hat evangelist, has found that Google Chrome won't be updated on RHEL 6 anymore.

Google shows a notification which says, "Google Chrome is no longer updating because your operating system is obsolete "

RHEL 6 was released at the end of 2010; the next version of RHEL, version 7, will be released this year. So the users of the latest version of RHEL can't use Google Chrome anymore.

Wildeboer writes on his Google+ page:

Why does Google put users of (at least) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 at risk by stopping updates for Chrome? While continuing to support Windows XP?

It is surprising as even Windowx XP which is reaching end of life is well supported by Google and GNU/Linux distributions like Ubuntu 10.04 are also well supported.

Wildeboer further writes:

We release new stable versions of RHEL every 2-3 years. The API/ABI stability is what sets it apart from community distros. Customers need long term stability. Google knows (and uses) that itself internally. By cutting the support of enterprise distributions they simply tell me to move elsewhere. That's not a very encouraging thing.

We have reached out to Google and awaiting their response.

Why RHEL 6 is not getting updates?

What I have learned from my sources is that Chrome, as we all know, is based on Chromium and the community behind Chromium would like to use new C++ language features (i.e., C++11 - many are moving this way) for security and easier maintenance. But supporting C++11 means adopting a new toolchain and upgrading to GCC 4.6.

So it boils down to the fact that all OS versions that ship with older C++ libraries, such as some distributions of Linux including RHEL 6, will therefore no longer be supported after Chrome 26.

That's one of the reasons WildeBoer saw that update notitication. In such distributions which ship with older C++ libraries such as RHEL, Chrome will continue to work but will no longer be updated after version 26. So Google has started to notifying users in the Developer channel (Chrome 26 stable is several months out) on these systems that after Chrome version 26 that it will no longer support their OS.

The company, as I have learned from my sources, is willing to work with Red Hat to extend support if possible.

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